IGA Nephropathy

Thursday, July 21, 201612:53 AM(View: 12509)
IGA Nephropathy

I was diagnosed with the kidney disease "IGA Nephropathy" in December of '09 and had a loss of protein of over 5,200. My Creatinine levels were increasing from 1.1 to 1.2 to 1.3 and so forth. I became extremely concerned when my nephrologist told me that if my Creatinine levels continued to rise that I was going to be in big trouble within a few years time (possibly Dialysis!). Well, I totally panicked and started doing some serious research!

I found the website www.goutwell.com through my IGA Nephropathy support group website from the Mayo Clinic and began reading about others who had the same disease as myself and they said that by taking these special herbs from www.goutwell.com they were able to bring down their creatinine levels, so I immediately emailed them.

I got a response from Dr. Hoang that very day who informed me that he was very familiar with my disease and he would even schedule time to meet with me at his office in Garden Grove. Once I met with Dr. Hoang, he had me start taking the following herbs for my kidney function: KIDNEY WELL II, ALISMA & RED GANODERMA.

I took all three herbs twice a day every day for 7 months and I never had any side effects at all! I chose NOT to tell my nephrologist that I was taking these chinese herbs as some doctors scoff at the idea of alternative medicine. My protein levels began descending immediately from 5,200 down to 1,800 down to 500 and now I am at ZERO! My Creatinine levels also began descending from 1.4 down to 1.2 down to 1.1 and now it is at 0.67!! I am beyond ECSTATIC!!!!!!!!!

I don't think I could have gotten this healthy this fast without those herbs. I also began taking KIDNEY TONIC recently, but I have been off all of these herbs for the past month or so and my levels are all ZERO!

I will be a lifetime customer! And Dr. Hoang was extremely kind, intelligent and honest, which I appreciated so much during this extremely stressful time!!

Thank you for all that you have done for me and my kidneys!!!!

Traci Davis
Huntington Beach, CA