Philosophy of Health

Wednesday, June 20, 20187:38 PM(View: 14357)
Philosophy of Health

Integration of

Natural medicine and Western medicine


Spirit                        Mind                           Body

Prevention <------------------------------------> Emergency

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Philosophy of Health

Dear Client,

My philosophy of health is based upon the following principles:

  • Health is an integration of body, mind and spirit.
  • The focus is on the patient who has the disease and not the disease the patient has.
  • The body has the natural ability to heal itself. The doctor and the medicine support only.
  • The best medicine is preventive medicine.
  • Do no harm.
  • Medicine should be as natural as possible. Drugs and surgery are for emergency only.
  • The doctor only gives recommendations and the patient is ultimately responsible for his/her own health.

The outcome of health of a patient is a function of three variables:

  • The Doctor: I will do my best to help you.
  • The Medicine: I constantly search for best medicine.
  • The Patient: You will do your best to help yourself.

If you share the above philosophy, I invite you to join me as partner in health in mind, body and spirit.


Natural Health Medical Center, Inc.
4469 Redondo Beach Blvd
Lawndale, CA 90260
(310) 479-2266
(310) 479-2044 (fax)