The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of the content on this website.
Updated 7/24/2020

EMFs/EMR Electromagnetic fields/Electromagnetic radiation
Latest study shows that 50% of Americans are fearful of the current situation.
The reason for this fear because it is fear of the unknown future. One needs to understand the future of this situation in order to maintain a proper attitude, which is the most important factor in health because stress decreases the immune system.
All predictive models are based on data from M&M data. Different models will give different predictions. These models are not accurate because they do not take account for other factors: Environmental factors and Human behaviors.
Virus Health consciousness Infection rate with Reproduction number R naught, Death rate
Air pollution
I.1. COVID-19
I.1.1. The nature of viruses
Debates exist whether viruses are alive or not
- Are viruses alive?
Presently, most virologists and biologists classify them as non-living
- A virus is a microscopic particle that can infect the cells of a biological organism
Therefore, viruses are not included in the Tree of Life
- The Tree of Life
The answer is that viruses are partial non-living partial living. They border between non-life and life. They have these characteristics that make them alive:
1. They have a survival consciousness: they mutate to survive. Non-living things do not have a survival consciousness and do not mutate to survive because they don't respond to stimuli
- Non-living things
2. They can self-assemble. Non-living things can not self-assemble
- Physical virology: From virus self-assembly to particle mechanics
3. They have a life cycle. Non-living things do not have life cycles
- The Viral Life Cycle
4. They are dependent on non-living things to survive: they are dependent on a medium to survive, e.g., they infect a cell and can be cultured in a lab. Non-living things do not infect cells and can not be cultured in a lab.
This distinction is important because since viruses are dependent on non-livings to survive, the non-living medium can be taken away to decrease the survival of viruses. An analogy is flies and trash. Flies can be killed but as long as the trash is present, the flies will come back. Taking care of the trash will help to reduce the flies.
Interactions between infections and toxins
- Bringing the Bugs Back In: Environmental Health Research Model Combines Toxicology and Infectious Disease.
- A niche for infectious disease in environmental health: rethinking the toxicological paradigm.
Interactions between infections and Ionizing radiation
- Treatment of infections after exposure to ionizing radiation.
Interaction between infections and Non-ionizing radiation EMFs/EMR
- Exposure to a 50 Hz electromagnetic field induces activation of the Epstein-Barr virus genome in latently infected human lymphoid cells.
- Mold Produces 600 Times More Bio-Toxins with EMF.
Therefore, controlling the environment will hep to control the infections.
I.1.2. Coronavirus
I.1.2.1. Generally, Coronavirus is a seasonal virus, beginning in winter and tapering off around end of April and going out in summer
- What are the seasonal patterns of rhinoviral, coronaviral, enteroviral, and adenoviral upper respiratory tract infections (URIs)?
- Epidemiology and clinical presentations of the four human coronaviruses 229E, HKU1, NL63, and OC43 detected over 3 years using a novel multiplex real-time PCR method
I.1.2.2. There are treatments that are potentially effective, such as
I. Hydroxychloroquine
- WHO Launches Global Megatrial of the Four Most Promising Coronavirus Treatments
- IHU Méditerranée Infection
- Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial-
However, the WHO has halted trial of Hydroxychloroquine based on a study that claims that this treatment is not effective and has side effects
- Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis
This study has caused more than 180 scientists around the world to sign a petition that raises concerns about inconsistent data
- Scientists Expose Lancet Study Critical Of HCQ COVID-19 Treatment
- Concerns regarding the statistical analysis and data integrity
especially that Chloroquine is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines
- World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines 2019
And reviewing the data, the WHO resumes the trial
- WHO resumes study of hydroxychloroquine for COVD-19 after safety review
And the study was retracted
- Retraction-Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis
It is possible that the efficacy depends on the early use in outpatient settings
- Prestigious Medical Journal Endorses Hydroxychloroquine For COVD-19
- Early Out patient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis
A larger observational study shows that its use is associated with a reduction in mortality
- Among hospitalized pateints, use of Hydroxychloroquine alone and in combination with Azithromycin was associated with a significant reduction in-hospital compared to not receving Hydroxychloroquine
I. Remdesivir
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization for Potential COVID-19 Treatment
I. Ivermectin
- Breakthrough Drug: Ivermectin Shows 'Asounding' Results Against Coronavirus
I.1.2.3. As doctors understand the disease process better, they will be able to treat the disease better
Initially, hospitalists followed the protocols by the Chinese and the Italians by putting the patients with low Oxygen on ventilators early. Eventually, they found out that certain patients have higher mortality if put on ventilators prematurely
- Doctors Suspect Mystery COVID-19 Lung Problems, Plea for New Approach
- Mortality rate of COVID-19 patients on ventilators
The Italians now think that COVID-19 does not lead to a typical lung syndrome, at least in some patients
- Covid-19 Does Not Lead to a "Typical Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome"
So they propose different approaches to patients with different clinical features
1. Patients with typical lung failure problems should be put on ventilators
2. Patients without typical lung failure problems should not be put on ventilators but be given Oxygen support
- COVID-pneumonia: different respiratory treatment for different phenotypes?
Changing the position of patients with hypoxemia can help to avoid intubation in some patients
- Use of Prone Positioning in Nonintubated Patients With COVID-19 and Hypoxemic Acute Respiratory Failure
There is evidence that the virus infects blood vessels causing blood clots
- Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19
With all the above understandings, there should be better treatments and the mortality rate should decrease around end of May.
I.2. Air pollution
As explained later, in summer, air pollution will decrease, so respiratory illnesses will also decrease.
I.3. Health Consciousness
People will be more health conscious and will take better care of themselves with better hygiene, diet, supplements and exercise. Therefore, people will be healthier to protect themselves against the virus.
With the above factors, death rates should go down soon and mortality should be lower than initially predicted. Understand this whole big picture should clarify the future of this situation to relieve fear and stress.
For stress
Fermented Ginseng: 100 mg x 2-4 a day on empty stomach
II.1. Outdoor Air Quality
Air pollution is worse in winter and better in summer due to a phenomenon in nature called “Temperature Inversion”
- Why Is Air Pollution Worse During Winter?
There is a relationship between toxins and infections, very much like trash and flies. Since air pollution is worse in winter, respiratory infections are also worse in winter
- Linking pollution and infectious disease
- Is there a link between pollutant exposure and emerging infectious disease?
- Air pollution and respiratory viral infection
- A Prospective Study of the Impact of Air Pollution on Respiratory Symptoms and Infections in Infants
- Seasonality of Primary Care Utilization for Respiratory Diseases in Ontario: A time-Series Analysis
There are now studies that show links between air pollution and COVID-19 morbidity and mortality rates
- Air pollution linked with higher OCVID-19 dealth rates
- Two mechanisms for accerelated diffusion of COVID-19 outbreaks in regions with high intensity of population and polluting industrialization: the air pollution-to-human and human-to-human tranmission dynamics
- The Potential role of Particulate Matter in the spreading of COVID-19 in Northern Italy: First Evidence-based Research Hypotheses
- SARS-Co-2 RNA Found on Particulate Matter of Bergamo in Northern Italy: First Preliminary Evidence
- Regional air pollution persistence links to COVID-19 infeciton zoning
Therefore, when air pollution becomes better in summer, COVID-19 infections will decrease.
II.2. Indoor Air Quality
This air purifier puts out H2O2 and other similar molecules to kill infections
- AIR & SURFACE PRO The Most Powerful Surface and Air Cleaning Technology Ever Discovered
H2O2 inactivates Coronavirus 229E
- Virus Inactivation by Hydrogen Peroxide
It kills 99.99% of viruses and bacteria and fungus tested
- Scientific Proof: Results based on laboratory testing
On one hand, currently, there is no definitive proof that EMFs/EMR, such as 5G, causes the pandemic.
On the other hand,
I.3.1. There is an positive correlation between 5G and morbidity/mortality in the US, i.e., in states with 5G, COVID-19 cases per million are 95% higher and deaths per million are 126% higher than in states wihtout 5G
- Is there an association between covid-19 cases/deaths and 5G in the United States?
I.3.2. There is evidence that EMFs/EMR can cause immune system problem
- Effects of electromagnetic fields on the immune systems of occupationally exposed humans and mice
- Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields-A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment
- Effect of electromagnetic fields on several CD markers and transcription and expression of CD4
III.1. Temperature > 132.8 F x 90 min, > 152.6 F x 60 min, > 176 F x 30 min kills SARS, so drink hot water/tea throughout the day without causing throat burn
Add salt/essential oils to hot water and gargle 2 – 3 x a day. Salt may kill the virus in the throat. There is no evidence that salt it is effective for COVID-19, but it is safe, unless it makes the sore throat worse
- Universal and Reusable Virus Deactivation System for Respiratory Protection
Inhale hot water/essential oils to kill virus in the nose/sinus.
III.2. Fever
Fever is a natural response and should not be suppressed
- Fever: suppress or let it ride?
- The Case for Letting Fevers Run Their Course
Temperature >100.4 F inactivates SARS virus
- The Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Viability of the SARS Coronavirus
Centuries of experience from traditional cultures show that home sauna therapy, such as Vietnamese style "Xong", often gives improvement the next day.
Vietnamese style “Xong”:
- boil a large pot of water
- add fresh lemongrass or its essential oils, or any essential oils, spices, herbs, etc.
- place the pot on the floor
- take off clothes and sit next to the pot
- cover the body and pot with a blanket
- sweat as much as possible until the water is no longer hot
- clean sweat off
- can repeat as needed
- be careful if there are blood pressure or hydration problems
This is the time to eat natural organic foods and avoid processed foods like sweets which lower the immune system.
IV.1. Eat foods high in Zinc
- Zinc: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals
IV.1.1. Zinc is important because it inhibits the viral enzyme RdRp used for replication inside the cell
- Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture
- Structure of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from COVID-19 virus
Remdesivir, one of the drugs being tested in trials by WHO, works by inhibiting this enzyme
-The antiviral compound remdesivir potently inhibits RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
One of the symptoms of COVD-19 is loss of smell and taste
- Breaking! Medical Experts Say That Anosmia Which Is The Loss Of Smell And Ageusia Which Is Loss Of Taste, Could Be Signs Of Covid-19 Infection
Therefore, COVID-19 infection could be related to Zinc deficiency.
IV.1.2. Zinc is important for general viral infections and immunity
- Zinc and Respiratory Tract Infections: Perspectives for COVID-19 (Review)
- Antiviral Activities of Zn2+ Ions for Viral Prevention, Replication, Capsid Protein in Intracellular Proliferation of Viruses
- Anti-Viral Vaccine Activity of Zinc(II) for Viral Prevention, Entry, Replication, and Spreading During Pathogenesis Process
- Virucidal Activities of Zinc-Finger Antiviral Proteins and Zinc-Binding Domainsfor Virus Entry, DNA/RNA Replicationand Spread
- Molecular Mechanism of RNA Recognition by Zinc-Finger Antiviral Protein
- The Zinc Finger Antiviral Protein Directly Binds to Specific Viral mRNAs through the CCCH Zinc Finger Motifs
- Modulating the Immune Response Oral Zinc supplementation: A single apporach for multiple disease
WHO estimates the global prevalence of Zinc deficiency as 31% with the range from 4-73% across subregions, based on the work of the International Zinc Nutrition Consultative Group (IZiNCG)
The IZiNCG uses the estimate based on the work of US NHANES II study
The NHANES II study uses 59 -70 ug/dL as the lower cutoff serum Zinc levels
- Suggested lower cutoffs of serum zinc concentrations for assessing zinc status: reanalysis of the second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data (1976–1980)
Optimal range, however, should be higher, with a lower cutoff serum Zinc level of 84 ug/dL
with a mean 100 ug/dL
Therefore, global prevalence of Zinc deficiency is most likely higher than the WHO estimate 31%. Using the optimal lower cut off serum Zinc 84 ug/dL, personal experience has shown that prevalence of Zinc deficiency in the Los Angeles population is about 80%.
IV.2. Decrease grains that have Gluten which decreases Zinc absorption
- The concentration of serum zinc in celiac patients compared to healthy subjects in Tehran
- Serum zinc in small children with coeliac disease
IV.3. Be aware that Acid Blockers reduce Zinc absorption.
- Malabsorption-Related Issues Associated with Inhibitor Usage
- Proton Pump Inhibitors Interfere with ZInc absorption and Zinc body stores
IV.4. Environmental toxins can cause Zinc deficiency
In general, in the Periodic table, in the same column, heavier elements tend to displace lighter elements.
Zinc is in Group 12, Period 4
Cadmium is in Group 12, Period 5
Mercury is in Group 12, Period 6
- Periodic table
Excess Cadmium, which is commonly found, can cause Zinc deficiency
- Interactions between cadmium and zinc in the organism
Excess Mercury toxicity, which is commonly found, can cause Zinc deficiency
- Mercury exposure, nutritional deficiencies and metabolic disruptions may affect learning in children
IV.5. Eat foods high in bioflavonoids such as vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits including the rinds but not fruit juices. Certain bioflavonoids inhibit various process of viral infection cycle
- Bolstering Your Defenses Against COVID-19: An “Epigenetic” Diet
- List of phytochemicals in food
- USDA Database for the Flavonoid Content of Selected Foods
IV.6. Eat foods to control hyperglycemia, because hyperglycemia, regardless of the status of diabetes, increases morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 patients, most likely because hyperglycemia increases glycosylation of the virus and the ACE2 receptor leading to more severe COVID-19 disease
- Hyperglycemia, Hydroxychloroquine, and the COVID-19 Epidemic
Despite no information about supplements for COVID-19, we can base our protocol on information from studies of other Coronaviruses, computer models, lab studies, animal studies and preliminary human studies.
V.1. For blocking viral entry into the cell
S is a virus protein that bind to ACE2 receptor on human cell. Human cell has the enzyme Furin which cleaves the S into subunits S1 and S2. S1 then binds to ACE2 receptor to enter the cell.
- The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade
- Drug targets for corona virus: A systematic review
- The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2
- Why does SARS-CoV-2 spread so easily?
V.1.a. Furin inhibitor
Luteolin: 100 mg x 2-4 a day on empty stomach
- Luteolin restricts dengue virus replication through inhibition of the proprotein convertase furin
There are other bioflavonoids that are furin inhibitors: Chrysin, Naringin, Rutin, etc.
- Chemical structure and properties of low-molecular furin inhibitors
V.1.b. ACE2 receptor inhibitor
Hesperidin: 500 mg x 2-4 a day on empty stomach
Polygonum multiflorum which contains Emodin: 500 mg x 2-4 a day empty stomach
- Emodin Blocks the SARS Coronavirus Spike Protein and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Interaction
Lactoferrin: 300 mg x 2-4 a day on empty stomach
- Inhibition of SARS Pseudovirus Cell Entry by Lactoferrin Binding to Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans
It activates intestinal production of Interferon-Lambda which renders lung cells resistant to the virus
- Effects of lactoferrin on the production of interferon-λ by the human intestinal epithelial cell line HT-29
- Lambda interferon renders epithelial cells of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts resistant to viral infections
There are other bioflavonoids that are ACE2 receptor inhibitors: Chlorogenic acid, Daidzein, Luteolin, Quercetin, Rosmarinic acid, Rutin, Ursolic acid, etc.
- Discovery of Anti-2019-nCoV Agents from 38 Chinese Patent Drugs toward Respiratory Diseases via Docking Screening
V.2. For virus inside the cell
The following enzymes are used for replication, thus are targets for inhibition
- RdPp
- PLpro
- 3CLpro
- Helicase
- N
V.2.a. RdRp inhibitor
Zinc (elemental) blocks this enzyme: 20 – 30 mg x 1-4 a day with food- Zn(2+) inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture
Zinc ionophore transports Zinc into the cell. Chloroquine has many antiviral mechanisms, and one mechanism is that it is a Zinc ionophore (clinically, use Hydroxychloroquine and not Chloroquine)
- Chloroquine Is a Zinc Ionophore
EGCG and Quercetin are Zinc ionophores
- Zinc Ionophore Activity of Quercetin and Epigallocatechin-Gallate: from Hepa 1-6 cells to a Liposome Model
EGCG from Green tea: 500 mg x 2 a day with food
Quercetin: 1000 mg x 2-4 a day on empty stomach
Bee Propolis: 3000 mg x 2-4 a day on empty stomach
- Effects of propolis flavonoids on virus infectivity and replication
Theaflavin from Black tea: 500 mg x 2-4 with food
- The potential chemical structure of anti-SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
V.2.b. PLpro inhibitor
Rosmarinic acid
- Analysis of therapeutic targets for SARS-CoV-2 and discovery of potential drugs by computational methods
V.2.c. 3CLpro inhibitor
- Analysis of therapeutic targets for SARS-CoV-2 and discovery of potential drugs by computational methods
- Flavonoid-mediated inhibition of SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease expressed in Pichia pastoris
V.2.d. Helicase inhibitor
- Analysis of therapeutic targets for SARS-CoV-2 and discovery of potential drugs by computational methods
V.2.e. N inhibitor
Resveratrol: 250 mg x 2-4 a day with food
- Effective inhibition of MERS-CoV infection by Resveratrol
V.3. For virus in the general system
Oregacillin (Oregacyn): 1 x 2-4 a day on empty stomach
- Final Report: VIRUCIDAL EFFECTIVENESS TEST CoronavirusV.4. For general Immune system
Even though there are no proofs that certain vitamins and minerals help directly with COVID-19, there are evidences that they may help indirectly by enhancing immune system
- Enhancing immunity in viral infections, with special emphasis on COVID-19: A review
V.4.1. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids: 500 mg x 2-4 a day with food
- Vitamin C and SARS Coronavirus
V.4.2. Selenium: 200 ug a day with food
- Association between regional selenium status and reported outcome of COVID-19 cases in China
V.4.3. Vitamin D3: 5,000 - 20,000 IU a day with food to keep serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D > 60 ng/mL
- Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths
- Optimisation of Vitamin D Status for Enhanced Immuno-protection Against Covid-19
V.4.4. Alkalinization
There is no evidence that Alkalinization is effective for COVID-19, but it can be helpful for general infections
- Virucidal efficacy of sodium bicarbonate on a food contact surface against feline calicivirus, a norovirus surrogate
- Effect of sodium bicarbonate 8.4% on respiratory tract pathogens
- Effect of adding inhalation of sodium bicarbonate 8.4% to the usual treatment on smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis: a prospective controlled study
Sodium bicarb shifts macrophage M1 (inflammatory) to M2 (regulatory) phenotypes
- Oral NaHCO3 activates a splenic anti-inflammatory pathway; evidence cholinergic signals are transmitted via mesothelial cells
However, using Baking soda is complicated because urine pH needs to be monitored and there are relative contraindications such as blood pressure and water retention problems, so it is best supervised by a doctor knowledgeable in pH interpretation.
Intravenous vitamin C at least 15 g
- Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19
1. Manage stress
2. Purify air
3. Minimize EMFs/EMR
4. Drink hot water/teas
5. Eat natural organic foods high in Zinc and bioflavonoids
6. Take supplements
7. Hot sauna
Infections Pollution Radiation |
Stress |
Nose Throat |
Virus - cell interface |
Virus |
Immune system |
Purify air Minimize EMFs/EMR
Manage |
Inhale hot vapor Drink hot water/teas Use Essential oil Use Zinc spray |
Flavonoids foods Propolis Luteolin Lactoferrin Hesperidin Oregacillin |
Zinc foods Propolis Lactoferrin Hesperidin EGCG Resveratrol |
Citrus foods Vit C Sauna/“Xong”
The best medicines of the people, by the people, for the people, have the following criteria:
1. Accessibility
2. Affordability
3. Practicality
Personal experience has led to this recommendation for a protocol that satisfy the above criteria: Propolis and Zinc. Other supplements can be added.
1. Propolis contains many ingredients mentioned above to
A. inhibit viral entry into the cell
B. act as Zinc ionophore to transport Zinc into the cell
C. inhibit viral replication inside the cell
- Chlorogenic acid inhibits ACE2
- Chrysin inhibits Furin
- Daidzen inhibits ACE2
- Luteolin inhibits Furin, ACE2
- Hesperidin inhibits ACE2, 3CLpro, Helicase
- Naringin inhibits Furin
- Quercetin inhibits ACE2, acts as Zinc ionophore, inhibits 3CLpro
- Resveratrol inhibits N replication
- Rosmarinic acid inhibits ACE2
- Rutin inhibits Furin, ACE2
- Antioxidant Potential of Propolis, Bee Pollen, and Royal Jelly: Possible Medical Application
- Brazilian Red Propolis—Chemical Composition and Botanical Origin
- Identification of Resveratrol as Bioactive Compound of Propolis from Western Romania and Characterization of Phenolic Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Ethanolic Extracts
- Propolis and some of its constituents down-regulate DNA synthesis and inflammatory cytokine production but induce TGF-beta1 production of human immune cells
- Revisiting Greek Propolis: Chromatographic Analysis and Antioxidant Activity Study
- Composition and functional properties of Propolis (bee glue): A Review
2. Zinc inhibits RdRp replication.
Zinc can be used alone if in nanoparticle form
- Zinc Iodide in combination with Dimethyl Sulfoxide for treatment of SARS-CoV-2 and other viral infections
This Nano Zinc Iodide supplement is being tested currently at a hospital. The prelimary trial shows that it is effective within 24 hours.
This protocol is similar to the protocol of Hydroxychloroquine+/-Azithromycin and Zinc. Many researchers and scientists think that this protocol needs to be tested in clinical trials, but they are not clinicians who treat patients. Clinicians have used this protocol with success
- IHU Méditerranée Infection
- Outpatient Study Finds that Combination of Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine, and Azithromycin Is Associated with Less Hospitalizations and Death for COVID-19 Patients
- LA doctor seeing success with hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19
Likewise, personal experiences of various doctors using the protocol of Propolis and Zinc see improvement within 24 hours.
This protocol is be used for mild cases at home. Moderate to severe cases need to be treated at the hospitals.
Case 1 by Huy Hoang, MD
55 year old healthy female
Case 2 by Huy Hoang, MD
Case 3 Huy Hoang, MD
26 year old healthy female, wife of patient in Case 2
6/3: Propolis 3000 mg x 4 a day
Nano Zinc Iodide 5 ml x 2 a day
6/5: felt better, fever resolved
6/15: loss of taste resolved
6/19: PCR-
Case 4 by Huy Hoang, MD
6/30: loss of taste and smell and cough
Lactoferrin 300 mg x 2 a day
Nano Zinc Iodide 5 mL x 3 a day
NOTE: ALL symptoms resolved in 5 days most of the cases. This is in contrast with a study that shows that 87.4% patients who recovered reported persistence of at least 1 symptom, particularly fatigue and dyspnea
- Persisent Symptoms in Patients After Acute COVID-19
ZnDM-COVID-O: oral Nano Zinc Iodide DMSO
Day 1: a 76 year-old male with a medical history of prostate cancer with bone, lung and lymphatic metastasis and 51 years of moderate smoking presented to the clinic with fever of 38.7 °C, muscle and body aches, severe dry cough with difficult breathing, sore throat, abdominal pain and extreme fatigue. The patient’s symptoms were developed and aggravated for 6 days period when he had been tested positive for COVID-19 by RT-PCR of nasopharyngeal swab material. The patient had an X-ray examination and the results showed bilateral lower lobe pneumonia. The patient’s SpO2 level was 78% and pulse rate was 120 per minute.
The patient started treatment with oxygenation therapy via mask 6 liters per minute, bronchodilator inhalation, paracetamol 1000 mg IV and 10 ml of ZnDM-COVID-O mixing with 200 ml of water.
In 2 hours after the initial treatment, the patient’s condition improved remarkably. His muscle and body aches drastically reduced, his SpO2 increased to 92% with oxygen therapy of 3 liters per minute, his pulse rate was 98 per minute and his fever dropped to 36.7 °C. The patient was administered 10 ml of ZnDM-COVID-O with 200 ml of water in 6 hours from the initial treatment without other therapeutic drugs.
After 10 hours from the beginning of the treatment, the patient’s pain, breathing pattern, energy were all improved, his temperature remained normal, his SpO2 was 94% with no needs of oxygen therapy and his dry cough reduced more than 70%.
He slept 3 hours for the first time in 3 days and he was able to eat and drink twice as much compared to the day before. The patient had been treated with 10 ml of ZnDM-COVID-O every 8 hours for the next 48 hours.
He continued clinically improve in all of his complaints and symptoms.
Day 3: the patient’s temperature was normal, he slept 5 hours at night, his appetite, energy and shortness of breath improved more than 70%, he had no more dry cough and even no body and chest pains that were related to the prostate cancer experienced before the COVID-19 diagnosis. His SpO2 was 95% and pulse rate was 86 per minute.
The patient continued to take ZnDM-COVID-O 10 ml 3 times daily for 7 days more.
Day 10: all his symptoms related to COVID-19 had resolved and his general health condition remarkably improved.
Day 11: The X-ray examination showed that the bilateral lobe pneumonia resolved completely.
The patient continued to take ZnDM-COVID-O 5 ml 3 times daily for 5 more days.
Day 14:The COVID-19 test by RT-PCR of nasopharyngeal swabs materials negative for SARS-CoV-2 RNA.
Day 16: RT-PCR negative for SARS-CoV-2 RNA and discharged from the clinic.
Case 6 from a Russian hospital, contributed by Ba Hoang, MD, PhD
ZnDM-COVID-SN: Nano Zinc Iodide DMSO Spray and Nebulization
Day 1: a 54 year-old male with a medical history of Crohn’s diseases and asthma presented to the clinic with high fever of 39.5°C, severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest congestion and pain, diarrhea with blood, extreme fatigue, body aches and anosmia. A chest X-ray examination confirmed bilateral pneumonia with hazy opacities. The patient was diagnosed with suspected COVID-19 due to his close contact with relatives who had confirmed COVID-19 infections 7 days earlier. The patient SpO2 was 75% with 5 liters of oxygen therapy per minute via mask and his pulse rate was 110 per minute.
The patient was treated with ZnDM-COVID-O with the doses of 5 ml with 200 ml of water every 6 hours and 5 ml of ZnDM-COVID-SN via nebulization every 8 hours for 72 hours, Paracetamol 1000 mg IV and bronchodilator inhalation.
In 4 hours after the initial treatment the patient’s symptoms had improved with remarkable reduction in dry cough, shortness of breath,
fatigue and chest pain. The SpO2 reading was 92% with oxygen therapy of 3 liters per minute and pulse rate dropped to 92 per minute. His temperature was 37.2 °C.
Day 3: all of the patient’s symptoms related to his current disease were improved allowing him to breath without a significant shortness of breath and chest pain without oxygen therapy and bronchodilators treatment. His temperature was in normal range, SpO2 was 96% and pulse rate was 85 per minute.
The patient had continued treatment with ZnDM-COVID-O 5 ml every 6 hours without nebulization and oxygen treatment for 12 days.
Day 4: blood diarrhea resolved completely. RT-PCT testing of nasopharyngeal swab material taken on admission confirmed COVID-diagnosis.
Day 6: no symptoms related to his current disease and respiratory functional limitation.
Day 14: RT-PCR testing of nasopharyngeal swab materials negative for SARS-CoV-2 RNA.
Day 15: chest X-Ray examination revealed no sign of pneumonia.
In case it is a cold/flu and not COVID-19, add Colostrum and Sambucus because personal experience has shown that this combination works close to 100% for the cold/flu, better than vitamin C, Chinese herbs and Western herbs.
Colostrum: 3000 mg x 2-4 a day on empty stomach
- Prevention of Influenza Episodes With Colostrum Compared With Vaccination in Healthy and High-Risk Cardiovascular Subjects: The Epidemiologic Study in San Valentino
Sambucus-D: 1 Tablespoon x 4 a day on empty stomach
- Randomized Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Elderberry Extract in the Treatment of Influenza A and B Virus Infections
- Inhibition of several strains of influenza virus in vitro and reductino of symptoms by an elderberry extract (Sambucus nigra L.) during an outbreak of influenza B Panama
At the office, we have the air purifiers that release H2O2 into the air in the reception and IV areas.
Practice your hygiene, have no fear and move on with your life.
Huy Hoang, M.D.